Thursday, March 10, 2005


It's official!! Kiss me I am SINGLE!!!!!!

The drama was huge, it always is where my EX is concerned. "N" didn't take the news very well, not sure what she thought the outcome was going to be - but the post divorce Olympics began post haste.

I stopped at my mother's on the way back from court, I was honestly in a state of near shock that it was finally over. I had called "N" from the courthouse to let her know - she screamed and the phone went dead. Sweet.

So I am making some calls from my mother's place, sort of gushing, couldn't stop grinning, when the door blasts opened and the sound of glass breaking on the foyer granite broke the near Disney like scene. Cruella De "N" came storming down the hallway to the kitchen screaming all the way. Mother's eyes were buggin as "N" burst through the door and began an almost incomprehensible recitation of expletives.

Knowing this would freak my mother out - I pushed past her through the door, through the broken vase in the foyer and out the door with "N" right on my heels. Once outside, she continued ranting, seems she hadn't expected the judge to grant things on the spot. I did tell her she didn't have to be there - which was true. She didn't. It's over, it has been over, yesterday's proceedings were strictly making it official. My bad.

She grabbed me by my coat and started slamming me off the glass doors, I was amazed at the strength she had, at this point my Mother was standing on the other side of them - I yelled at her to get back thinking they could explode with the next slam. I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back and headed down the walk to my truck, "N" right on my heals slamming me in the door as I tried to climb in, grabbing and punching at the back of my head. "I am going to kill you and then myself." echoed between the houses, I wiggled in and pulled the door shut hitting the power locks. Fumbling with my keys - she ran to her car. I backed out - she squealed out and maneuvered behind me, I thought she was going to ram me. She rang in on my cell as I started down the road,

Her: "You drive to the park right now and talk to me or I swear you are a dead man"
Me: "I am not going to talk to you anywhere secluded, if you want to talk let's go to a restaurant"
Her: "I said the park NOW mother fucker"
Me: "Uh NO."

She chased me for several miles, lightly bumping the back of my truck, sliding along side swerving at me. It was lunch hour rush, I kept getting trapped in traffic, she kept tagging me from behind. It was bizarre. I tried to out run her, but she is way crazier than even I imagined, and was running traffic lights and rolling over curbs to get back up to me.

I dialed 911 heading down the main street in our city, 5 lanes undivided, she phoned in before the call went through and my cell phone locked up.. suddenly BLAM She rammed me, the sound was just horrific, I looked up to see her car was really hit - hood peaked a foot in the air, headlight panel out.. she kept coming, and ringing my phone. I sped up - now at around 60 dodging through traffic, she was right on me in seconds, I couldn't believe she kept coming, just then an old woman moved into my lane, I slowed a bit and BLAM she rammed me the second time even harder, the back end of my truck slid around and I was now cutting head on into oncoming traffic, cars locking up everywhere, I came across three lanes hitting the curb on the opposite side, now airborne I sheared off a restaurant sign wheels coming down just feet from the dining area, my truck stalled as it came to a stop across the entrance.

I jumped out and ran into the restaurant, I was shaking, at this point people were pressed to the glass - I grabbed a server and asked to use the phone. I just about lost it at that point.. as soon as 911 answered I started coming unglued, I could barely talk. Within minutes there were squad cars everywhere. Apparently the driver of an F-150 that had quite nearly hit me broadside as I crossed the lanes had stopped and also called 911.

She is a fugitive this morning. She is charged with felonious assault with a motor vehicle, and she is still on the loose. I left the scene and drove straight back to the same court I just left and secured PPO's for myself and my daughter - in one of what seemed like a thousand calls from her during the 20 minute chase she said she was going to take away everything in my world that meant anything to me, kill me, then kill herself.

I believe she will try.. yesterday made me a believer. If the ground had not been soft when my truck landed, tires digging in, I would have slid right through a crowded restaurant in all likelihood killing everyone in my path. No one with that kind of wreckless disregard for life should be free.

She is truly insane.

I just phoned my daughter's school and warned them, and I am off to the Sherrif's to get the PPO's served. I'm not that soft guy she ruled anymore.. and if she comes at me next time she better take carefull aim because she is going down.