Saturday, November 12, 2005

Blog of the day

Chrisafer, the very first blog I read. I think recognition speaks volumes. Had I not stumbled across his page, I doubt I would be here, ruining my reputation 5 times faster via Comcast. Cheeky, witty, snippy, and likely to look like a schoolboy till he is 50.. utterly sickening. I am not an 85 year old woman and even I want to pinch his cheeks.... Through his blog and the links on his page I found the keys to all things every gay man should know, then I went on to screw it up all on my own.. cuz I am cool like that.

Parenting while impaired

I'm not a happy Dad this morning. My daughter, has been going through a rather messy break up with Mr. Bad Habit, (we'll call him BH, even though I have a veritable laundry list of expletives that fit), did something stupid last night that resulted in her naked on the bathroom floor head in toilet. Perhaps dumber still, the idea that I may have lead her there by example, thus giving further credence to the fact that parent's are not perfect.

You can't drink away a boyfriend any faster than you can drink your truck back together. As I sit here reflecting on this, she is cleaning the apartment, no doubt thinking she is going to brown nose her way to freedom... not this time. Though I can't escape the fact that parents do lead by example, and my own culpability is all too obvious.

I had planned to come out to her this weekend, last night in fact.. timing is as they say everything. I'm thinking we have other things to discuss.